Freed to Serve (Maundy Thursday)

Chapter, Verse, and Season Podcast

John Collins and Jennifer Herdt discuss liberation, service, and lifestyle in John 13:1-17. The text is appointed for Maundy Thursday, in Year B of the Revised Common Lectionary.

The Ten Commandments (Third Sunday in Lent)

Chapter, Verse, and Season Podcast

Joel Baden and Andrew McGowan discuss textual criticism, reception history, and genre in Exodus 20:1-17. The text is appointed for the Third Sunday in Lent in Year B of the Revised Common Lectionary.

Seeing God from Behind (Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost)

Chapter, Verse, and Season Podcast

Volker Leppin and Vasileios Marinis discuss Moses, theophany, and the dangers of Christocentrism in Exodus 33:12-23. The text is appointed for the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 24) in Year A of the Revised Common Lectionary.

Water from a Rock (Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost)

Chapter, Verse, and Season Podcast

Joel Baden and Sarah Drummond discuss leadership, faithlessness, and providence in Exodus 17:1-7. The text is appointed for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 21) in Year A of the Revised Common Lectionary.

A Retrojected Festival (Maundy Thursday)

Chapter, Verse, and Season Podcast

Joel Baden and Sarah Drummond discuss sacrificial practice, identity markers, and imagined history in Exodus 12:1-14. The text is appointed for Maundy Thursday in the Revised Common Lectionary.

Signs of God’s Faithfulness (Third Sunday in Lent)

Chapter, Verse, and Season Podcast

Joel Baden and Tisa Wenger discuss life in the wilderness for the Israelites, being tested and testing God in Exodus 17:1-7. The text is appointed for the Third Sunday in Lent, in Year A of the Revised Common Lectionary.

Claiming that Story (Transfiguration Sunday)

Chapter, Verse, and Season Podcast

Joel Baden and Tisa Wenger discuss leadership, inherited stories, and transfiguring moments in Exodus 24:12-18 and Matthew 17:1-9. The texts are appointed for Transfiguration Sunday, in Year A of the Revised Common Lectionary.

No Longer Servants, but Friends (Maundy Thursday)

Chapter, Verse, and Season Podcast

John Collins and Jennifer Herdt discuss enslavement imagery, Passover liberation, and models of service in Exodus 12:1-14 and John 13:1-17. The texts are appointed for Maundy Thursday, in all three years of the Revised Common Lectionary.