An event every week that begins at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, repeating until October 26, 2021
The Gospel of John tells a distinctive story of Jesus. Its poetic prologue sets the stage with allusions to God’s act of creation and to the revelation of the Law to Moses. The evangelist claims that the Word of God, enfleshed in Jesus, is part of the first action and offers something that the Torah could not do. It defines that gift as “birth” from God available to all who believe. The story unfolds as a series of dramatic encounters that challenge readers to reflect on their own life giving encounters with Jesus. Richly suggestive images embellish the story which delights in irony, all of which aims to train readers to “see” the truth to which Jesus witnesses. The course will explore the Gospel’s narrative strategy, probe the larger theological issues that it raises, and reflect on the process of the  Gospel’s development and its engagement with the intellectual and cultural context of its first century audience.
The six sessions will occur on September 21, 28, October 5, 12, 19 and 26. After attending all six sessions, participants will receive a certificate of completion.
For information on YDS Professor Dr. Harold Attridge go here.
Videos from this event are here: The Gospel of John: An Online Bible Study