The Book of Ezekiel, Part 3 – Discussion Questions
Questions for Discussion:
Have you read or heard of the vision of the valley of dry bones before? What do you think about it?
Why do you think YHWH commands Ezekiel to prophesy to these dead bones? What do you think Ezekiel actually said to them?
The reconstituting of the dead bones mirrors, in reverse, the standard burial practice in ancient Israel of allowing the body to decompose before collecting the bones. What would be the equivalent to this in our modern day, or for your own standard burial practices? Would it be more or less effective?
This text is one of the most “literary” of the prophetic works, that is to say, it reads as though it was intended to be read, and not heard. Why do you think that is?
What do you think about the temple imagery at the end of the Book of Ezekiel? Why do you think the idea of a temple, especially a new one that calls back to the original Tabernacle, is important to Ezekiel? What message do you think it sends?