Questions for Reflection:
1. The story of Paul’s experience on the Road to Damascus is one of the classic Christian stories and has influenced the way people think about conversion and Christian faith from the first century till today. You might compare this story to Paul’s own account of his experience with the risen Christ in Galatians 1 & 2. What themes do we see in Luke that shift or elaborate on Paul’s claims?
2. The story of Peter and Cornelius is the longest single episode intheBookof Acts. How do visions work here, and in Luke, and elsewhere in Acts, to represent messages from God?
3. The vision of the different kinds of food on a sheet that Peter sees is not first of all about whether to keep cultural food laws (kosher laws). How do we understand the vision and the story around it when it comes to the question of fellowship between Jews and Gentiles in the church? And where do we find barriers today that we need to examine and challenge?